CQ World Wide や ARRL のコンテスト規約
JARL はトンチンカンですが、CQ World Wide や ARRL の規約は、はるかに適切かつ明確です。全文熟読をお勧めします(誰に? ^^;)。
JARL の規約改悪と解説に関する個所を抜粋すると、
CQ World Wide
Entrants must operate within the limits of their chosen category when performing any activity that could impact their submitted score.
4.Self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not permitted.
8.All requests for contacts, responses to calls, and copying of call signs and contest exchanges must be accomplished during the contest period using the mode and frequencies of the contest.
9.Correction of logged call signs and exchanges after the contest, by use of any database, recordings, email or other methods, is not allowed.
ARRL はよりスパッとした表現です。
Prohibited Conduct
Examples of prohibited conduct include, but are not limited to:
PROH.3. Confirmation of any contacts during or after the contest by use of any non‐amateur radio means such as telephone, text messaging, websites, email, or social media.
以前あったセルフスポット禁止の規定はなくなって、新しくなった Spotting の定義も明確です。
Spotting/QSO Finding Assistance: Use of any technology that provides call sign or multiplier identification of a signal to the operator. This includes PSKReporter, Telnet, DX spotting websites or bulletin board systems, automated multi‐channel decoders, etc. This also includes operating arrangements with other individuals, DX alerting nets, chat rooms, social media, live video streaming, etc. Such assistance may NOT be used to convey receipt or non‐receipt of any required element of a
contact or to request a repeat of any required element of a contact. Generating spotting information for use by other stations is not considered to be spotting assistance.
これらの前提となるのが OPRG.1 です。大原則となるこの規定が私は好きです。
OPRG.1. Call signs and exchange information must be sent, received, acknowledged, and logged correctly for a complete contact.
ああしろ こうしろ があってこそ、
あれだめ これだめ も活きてきます。
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